In addition to the four main sites, these four other areas were identified as being relevant to the life of the Buddha. Together, they are referred to as…

The Eight Great Places


Other four sacred sites


Buddhist have identified four other sacred sites connected with major episodes during Lord Buddha’s life and also where certain miraculous events took place. They are namely:

  1. Savatthi – Where the Buddha performed the Twin Miracle to silence the heretics.  Thereafter, He ascended to Tavatimsa Heaven to preach to His Mother, and the devas of that heaven, the Abidhamma or Higher Dhamma,

  2. Sankassa – Where the Buddha descended from Tavatimsa Heaven accompanied by Brahma and Sakka, after preaching to His mother and the devas for the three months of the rains retreat (vassa).  This was the only occasion when humans could see beings of the heavenly and hell realms with their naked eyes,

  3. Rajagaha – where the Buddha tamed the drunken elephant, Nalagiri, and

  4. Vesali – where the Buddha rid the city of a plague of disease and malevolent spirits and preached the Ratana Sutta (the Discourse on Jewels).

Together with the four main pilgrimage sites, they make up the eight places of the Buddhist “pilgrimage circuit”.