Call for submissions:
Art works, Creative Writings, Reflections, Articles, and Photo-journals for the next issue of BAM journal.
BAM (Buddhist Art Meditations) is an online journal for exchanging ideas on connections between creative and Buddhist practice.
It mainly showcases original, personal, creative interpretations of “Buddhist Art” and share points of interests with Buddhist artists or artistic Buddhists.

Who may submit?
We welcome friends from all over the world to connect with us. Submissions may be from Buddhists or non-Buddhists, professional or non-professional artists.
What art to submit?
Participation calls for personal interpretations of “Buddhist Art” in the form of art works and Creative writing. In other words, creative works that are deemed “Buddhist art” by its creator, for being related to Buddhism or created by Buddhist. They do not have to depict obvious Buddhist content.
We welcome all forms of Buddhist Art which can be represented digitally.
Digital format of writing or artwork of any medium or form may be submitted.
Each artist may submit up to three works but not all may be accepted. There are no submission fees or fees paid for accepted artwork.
The organisers reserve all rights to decide if any works would be included. We tend to be liberal with our curation, but we will consider local laws and community sensitivity.
What else to submit?
For the upcoming issue, we are also looking for articles and content that might be interesting for Buddhist artists, such as reflections, writing, photo spreads, interviews on…
Exhibitions on contemporary and pre-modern Buddhist Art and architecture
Books and references, movies, films, music, and other art forms
Travel and experiences, such as to retreat or visits to Buddhist sites of interests, pilgrimages
Food and lifestyle, e.g. vegetarianism, meditation and art tools, clothing
Please feel free to propose or ask us any questions.
When to submit?
The submission deadline is 31 Dec 2023 with possibility of extension, for an issue to targetted for launch in the first half of 2024.
Works not included in the upcoming issue and those received after the above deadline will be considered for following issues.

About us
We are based in Singapore, and are four art practitioners from different Buddhist traditions. We are unpaid volunteers and self-initiated in creating this independent project.

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